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Game Design

Spirit Catcher (2021)


Spirit Catcher is a game where the player plays as a kid, who must save his mom. To save her, the player must capture the ghosts that stand in the way between him and his mom. ​

My Role:

I was the lead programmer for the game, and also worked on the UI art and other 2D assets featured in the game. An overview of some of the mechanics and functionality I did: ghost catch, health/damage system, the three ghosts mechanics (using Behavior Trees), multiple endings system, etc. Level one, the House Level, was designed by me. ​


Logan Diebold (Level 3 Designer & 3D Artist), Manuel Toledo (Level 2 Designer, UI Artist, Programmer ),

& Ghazal Kashani Birgani (2D Art for intro)

Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 

Spirit Catcher

The Grate Escape (2021)


The Grate Escape is a single player game where the player must collect a certain number of cheese in a room to escape. There are also enemy mice that will try to get in the way and eat the cheese.

My Role:

For the game, I was the lead programmer and UI artist. As the lead programmer, I worked on most of the functionality of the mechanics, and created a simple AI. For the main menu down below, I did the buttons. The logo was created by Manuel Toledo. I also designed the layout for the first level. My favorite part will have to be the mini cinematic that I did towards the end, so check it out! The assets are from Epic Games' Marketplace.


Logan Diebold (Level 2 Designer & 3D Artist) & Manuel Toledo (Level 3 Designer, UI Artist, Programmer )

Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 

Grate Escape

Sandman (2021)


Sandman is a 2D pixel game where you play as Sandy the Sandman. As the Sandman, you must purify all the Nightmares in the mind of a young child to save them. The Sandman can throw sand to render enemies unconscious to make fighting easier. 

My Role:

I was the lead programmer for the Sandman, and I also did the UI art and the level assets in level one. The character sprite for Sandy the Sandman was made by me, including animations. ​


Logan Diebold (Art for Level 2 & art for enemies)

​Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 


Twisted Daylight (2020)


Twisted Daylight is a local two player game where two survivors must escape the clutches of  a horrifying creature. The players must destroy three totems and find the exit to win. 

My Role:

in the project were UI artist and programmer. I did the main menu assets and the character icons and implemented their functionality. The main menu level was designed by me.


Brendan Hutchins (Lead Programmer), Noemi Coute (3D artist, PM), Christon Tan (Concept Art/Sound), Jessica Hurtado (3D Artist), & Dallas Van Houwelingen (Programmer). 

Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 

Twisted Daylight

Spooky Friends (2020)


Spooky Friends is a three player game where players can take control of either a killer, ghost, or kid. The child must contact the police to escape the killer's home. The killer must eliminate the ghost and trapped kid to win before the kid can contact the police. As for the ghost, they help the trapped child to escape. 


My Role:

In this project, I was a UI designer and assisting programmer. I created the ability UI except the health and stamina bar, but I did set up functionality for them. I also created art for the win and lose screens. As for programming, I worked on player mechanics like the ghost 's ability to go through walls, invisibility, etc. I also did the killer's and kid's mechanics, and I made the main menu functional (art made by Vivian).


Ryan Bevan (Lead Programmer), Noemi Coute (3D artist, PM), Morgan Sickels (Concept Art), Prateek "Alex" Jacob (3D Artist), Jacob Heymann (3D Artist), & Vivian Cavazos (UI/UX).


Made with Unreal 4 

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 

Spooky Friends

Witching Hour (2019)


Witching Hour is a third-person puzzle game that allows the player to switch between two characters: a witch and fox. Each character has special abilities; the witch is able to shoot fireballs and has telekinetic abilities, while the fox can dash or teleport.

My Role:

The project was created in one semester with the main focus to create a seemingly polish game without worrying about asset creation. I had two other group partners who created the tutorial level. I was the lead engineer and designer: responsible for the main level, puzzles, and mechanics: telekinesis, teleportation, fireball, etc.

Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 



Tides is the first game I helped created, and the first time I used Unreal. The basis of the game is that it's a top-down adventure game where you play as a character trying to avoid dangers on the open waters.


My Role:

Tides is a video game that was created over a five-week interval by Travis Hausman (3D artist), Tyler Hagenbach (project manager), Shelby Way (lead artist), and myself. I was the lead programmer, leaving me responsible for the mechanics, creating a basic enemy AI, and other game functionality like the main and pause menu, character death functionality, item pick up, etc. 



Travis Hausman (3D Artist), Tyler Hagenbach (Project Manager), and Shelby Way (Lead Artist)

Made with Unreal 4

Click here to go see the video game's executable. 

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