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Coraline Day Two

I have been mildly preoccupied with other classes, but I managed to model and complete a door found in the scene. I began with a cube and then scaled it to match the size of the image. Then I added cuts to the object to create the intrusions in the door. Creating the door knob was simple. I began with a polygon cube for the backing of the door handle and scaled it to match the reference image. Once completed, I used a cylinder for the handle and placed a distorted sphere for the door knob.

For the door frame, the process was relatively similar. I began with cubes and stacked them on each other to create the top of the door frame and then used the Boolean tool combine them. When I finished modeling, I beveled everything.

After I finished the door, I began working on the fireplace. I started with a polygon cube and then created cuts to make the cave. Then I added another cube and scaled it to the appropriate size for the top of the fireplace. For the front decal portion, I used various cubes and then distorted the edges a bit to match the reference image. Once I matched them to the image, I beveled the cubes.

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