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More texturing...

First Floor Wall

The next model I need to texture is the first floor wall. I did not do much in terms of texturing the wall, since I got tired of texturing. I simply added a color layer and height layer to the wall. As for the columns, I did the same but added a bit of grunge and painted the bottom of the columns with different shades of grayish brown. I textured the bottom of the model the same way. I added a color layer, height map, grunges, and then painted on top to give the portion some color variation. I did change the layer modes for each brush layer to get the effect I wanted.

Matte Painting

Because I was tired of texturing objects, I decided to work on the matte painting in Photoshop. The process took about two hours max. Here is the completed matte painting.

(Matte painting with the Holyrood Chapel)

I began with the background (sky). I used the fill tool to get a solid light blue base and then used a watercolor brush with a low opacity to paint the various color variations. I believe I had the brush opacity at around 56% and painted the blueish white on the bottom and then a darker and saturated blue on the top. The low opacity allowed me to color pick new colors that helped me create subtle transitions. I then created the clouds layer, which uses a mixture of real clouds and clouds that I painted. I used spray brushes with a low opacity to create them. I then added the trees by finding an image online and then using the lasso tool to remove everything but the trees. I then went in with the eraser tool to remove any excess parts, but on closer inspection, some of the previous sky is still shown. I then used hue/saturation to lower the saturation of the image and the value, so that it is not very bright and bold. I also blurred the image a bit using Gaussian blur. I then added the grass layer shown (it is from the same image as the trees). For a moment, I was content with the created image, but then wondered how it would look with mountains. So, I found some mountains online and used the lasso tool to remove unnecessary parts. Then I lowered the saturation and value of the image to get the desired effect.

(Matte painting alone)

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