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Final Project: Architecture

The final project prompt for VIST 372 is to either restore a historical building or replicate a unique modern structure. My team, Order of the Holyrude, decided to restore a historical building: the Holyrood Chapel.

Because the chapel uses the same material for several parts of the building, I was assigned to try to create a brick texture shown in the above image or at least one that is in a better shape since we must recreate the structure to its prime state.

Green Brick

The is the first brick material I created using Substance Designer (my first texture created in Designer). At first, creating the texture felt like a daunting task, but the node interface made creating the texture quite easy. It also helped that I had some experience with working with nodes thanks to the Unreal Engine. I mainly focused on the normal map, which allowed me to create the brick pattern and subtle rocky grain on the surface of the object.

Pink Brick

To create the pink bricks, I simply copied the previous brick material and changed some of the settings I had. I changed the base color and messed with the amount of bricks on the x and y axis on the node furthest to the left (the generator). I edited the levels node on the bottom to get more of a faded brick feel.

Third Floor Side Wall

I was tasked with modeling the third floor wall, which I created using polygon cubes and some NURBs curves. The base of the wall was created using a cube, which I polycut to add more faces to manipulate. I then extruded the needed faces. The middle part of the wall is another cube that is not part of the wall, I used the same method of the base wall to create it. The only object that I created using the NURBs curve tool was the arch. I got the curve I wanted by plotting points and then duplicated the curve to loft the two curves together. Then I converted the lofted surface into a polygon and extruded the shape to get the arch shown in the image.

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