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Finishing Up

I spent the last moment of my time finishing up some textures and fixing lighting. I am not happy with the output, but given that this is my first time modeling in Houdini (modeling, in general), it is okay.

I wish I had more time to fix my lighting because I still feel like it needs some work and textures too. I also encountered an issue rendering: part of my objects are not shown. At first, I thought it was a lighting issue, but my lights have a high enough exposure that that should not be the problem. So, I checked light placement, nothing. Then, I checked the material. It seems that there is a lighting issue with the materials of the items not shown, which is strange because I used the same method for adding the texture for every single object. Unable to solve it and tired, I left the scene as is.

Time spent: 8+ hours

<--Reference image from "The Kid" (1921)

Rendered output of scene vvv

<--Screenshot of scene in Houdini

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