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Modeling almost complete...

I believe I am almost finished with my scene. I do have most of the objects in and managed to create a doorknob using the curves tool. I also made a little horseshoe with the curve tool, it is located on the top of the door.

I also redid the background wall (for the millionth time) because it looked funky when I converted it to NURBs. In other words, the sides came undone...un-stitched? Yeah, they just broke apart, but I fixed it by limiting the amount of polystitches added and messing with the U/V count in the convert node. There's also some little posts too. I made one with the curve tool and then revolved the curve. Once done, I duplicated: bam! Two posts. I did the same thing for the numbers above the door. I first created the "6" with the curves tool (in polygon) then I created another curve for the hole, and with a boolean I was able to subtract part of the object to create the hole. Then I merged the two curves and converted them. Finally, I duplicated the "6" and rotated it till it looked like a "9."

Estimated time in Houdini: 8+ hours

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